(intransitive or passive form : احضار شدن - be, to be, being; having been, to have been+pp) summon, ~ing, summons (summon a jury( (summon witnesses( (the same defendants were summoned to the court again – Current Biography)( (upon filing of the complaint the clerk is required to issue a summon and deliver it for service to the marshal or to a person especially appointed to serve it – HCB( (a summons directs a person to appear in court to answer a charge( ● call, ~ing in (several witnesses were called in to bear testimony to what the police officer said( ● convene (Tom was convened before Mr. All Worthy( ● cite, -ing, citation (be cited in divorce proceedings( (a citation is commonly used for minor violations, (eg traffic violations); thus avoiding having to take the suspect into immediate physical custody – HCB) ● subpoena (also subpena) (n, v), ~ing (had been subpoenaed to appear at the inquest – Kamala Markandaya( ● vouch (to summon (a vouchee) into court to warrant or defend a title – used esp in the phrase vouch to warranty) ● call, ~ing upon; recall, ~ing (in modern Persian more frequently فراخواندن such as in the following examples) (was recalled from abroad to report to the government( (was recalled to active service( (other automotive divisions will recall their hourly workers – Sacramento (Calif.) Bee( ● demand : to summon; to call in court. evoke, -ing (a spirit or other supernatural being), evocation (the people avoid mentioning the names of the gods, because … to name them is to evoke them – J.G. Frazer( (controls his demons largely through ritual which can both evoke and propitiate them – Francis Huxley( ● have up (infml) (esp passive) (ie cause someone to be accused of a crime, etc, in a law court (he was had up for exceeding the speed limit (in Persian : بواسطة داشتن سرعت غير مجاز دادگاهي شد )( ● conscript, ~ing, ~ion (to military or other service) (conscript soldiers( (a labor battalion conscripted from the ranks of political outcasts( (though I could conscript my body I could not conscript my mind( ● arraign (to call (a prisoner) to the bar of the court to answer to the charge of an indictment), ~ing, ~ment (arraignment shall be conducted in open court and shall consist of reading the indictment or information to the defendant or stating to him the substance of the charge and calling on him to plead thereto… HCB)
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